
The Body Mirror System of Healing is a way to use your body to read the various symptoms that have occurred and thus understand how the tension in your consciousness exists. Your consciousness and your body reflect the state of each other so that your body gives you information about which part or parts of your life that are not working as well as they could. When you do something with it, for example, through healing, the symptoms do not need to exist anymore.

Your natural state is to have balance between your body (physical) and mental (emotional) states. If you do not experience this balance, it means that your energy is blocked in some way. Through healing I can get the energy to flow again so that you can go back to your natural state. Everything starts in your consciousness and it’s important for you to look at what happened in your life at the time the symptom started. The symptom shows at the physical level the effect of what has happened in your consciousness, as a reaction to what happened in your life at the time the symptom started.

Healing is for those who want to get rid of blockages and tension that is experienced in the body and the consciousness. There may be aching in the body, illness or stress that you experience in your life. After a healing treatment you generally feel relaxed. The result may be that you get rid of all previous symptoms. One healing may be enough, but neither traditional medical treatment nor healing can provide a guarantee. Of course, the result can be different and it depends on what the healer and the person being healed believe and expect, in addition to the dynamics of interaction between the two.

A healing treatment usually takes 1.5 – 2 hours and costs NKr 700. The effects of the healing continue to manifest anywhere between three days and two weeks after the healing, depending on the sensitivities and the beliefs of the person receiving the healing.

I have taken courses in the Body Mirror System of Healing and A Vision Workshop through the Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing and I’m based in Randaberg.

If you wish to contact me, send me an email at mary.hovring(a)healermary.com or call +47 48 16 16 06.

Love Heals